SURABAYA - The Sidoarjo Police Satreskrim team arrested three of the six perpetrators of the beating of three victims at the Sidoarjo Delta Sports Center. One of the victims died as a result of the beating.

"Of the six perpetrators, only three have been arrested. The other three are still not caught," said Sidoarjo Police Chief, Kombes Kusumo Wahyu Bintoro, Tuesday, October 26.

The beating took place at a coffee shop in front of the Delta Sidoarjo Sports Center swimming pool in the early hours of Sunday, October 24. One of the victims with the initials HA died from serious injuries.

Initially, three victims namely HP, SV and KA along with PHT who escaped the beatings agreed to meet at a coffee shop. At that time, they drank Red Wine.

A few moments later, two of the six perpetrators with the initials VL and WPR arrived who stopped by the shop next to the victim's place.

Somehow, KA and HP approached the coffee shop waitress next to them and teased the woman with the initials SF, who turned out to be the boyfriend of one of the perpetrators, VL.

"Well, this train teased SF while HP asked for SF's cellphone number. That was the incident that sparked a dispute that led to a beating," he said.

Release the case of beatings at GOR Delta Sidoarjo / Police DOK

This bickering continued when the WPR perpetrator called his friends. Beatings were also carried out.

"This WPR brother then called his friends who brought a number of tools to beat the victims, so a beating occurred," he said.

"It was in front of the swimming pool that SV and KA became the victims of the perpetrators. They were kicked, beaten with wood and bamboo, also beaten with their bare hands, causing serious injuries," continued Kusumo.

After receiving reports of the beatings, the police conducted an investigation until 3 people were arrested on Monday, October 25.

"There are three other perpetrators that we are still pursuing. While securing these three perpetrators, we secured evidence of a hat and a bamboo used by the perpetrators to beat the victim," said Kusumo.

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