JAKARTA - Acting Chairperson of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Giring Ganesha asked DKI Jakarta PSI cadres to accompany victims suspected of being poisoned by rice boxes distributed to residents of Kampung Beting, Koja, North Jakarta.

"The PSI management has been on standby since last night (Sunday) here (Koja Hospital) to continue to maintain all conditions, which are currently improving, thank God," said Giring when visiting Koja Hospital, North Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Monday, October 25. .

Giring said that his visit to Koja Hospital was a form of sympathy and the party's responsibility to the victims who experienced nausea and vomiting, allegedly after eating the boxed rice distributed by the North Jakarta PSI Regional Management.

"We're here for a real sense of sympathy and responsibility," said Giring.

Giring cupped his hands in front of him while apologizing to the public for the incident.

In that incident, 35 residents of Kampung Beting, Koja, North Jakarta experienced nausea and vomiting allegedly after eating the boxed rice distributed by PSI North Jakarta.

Giring said 23 people had been treated at Koja Hospital, but 18 had been discharged. So that the remaining five people are still being treated.

"There are still five others who are being treated. We pray that all is well," said Giring.

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