JAKARTA - The lender of the savings and loan cooperative (KSP) Solusi Andalan Bersama (SAB) with the initials JS turns out to have other cooperatives. In fact, based on deepening the number reached 95 cooperatives.

"From the results of the investigation, it turns out that apart from one KSP, a Joint Mainstay Solution cooperative created by suspect JS, there are a number of 95 other KSPs made by suspect JS and these are all fictitious," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes of the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Helmy Santika. to reporters, Monday, October 25.

In fact, JS is known to have a big role in the case of illegal online loans (pinjol). He plays a role in finding other financiers who are foreign nationals (WNA) to open loan cooperatives.

"This JS brother (has) a role to find, recruit, facilitate foreign nationals to get to Indonesia," said Helmy.

In addition, this suspect also takes care of all the requirements for the foreigner. Thus, there have been many cooperative establishments that have been managed by the suspect.

"Also taking care of the documents needed for the administrative process, whether it's at the opening or registration of the company to the opening at the payment gateway," said Helmy. other. They have the initials MDA and SR.

"The other two suspects are those used as directors and other assistants," said Helmy.

For information, KSP Solusi Andalan Bersama is a cooperative that oversees dozens of illegal online loans (loans).

One of the pinjol is Fulus Lucky. Where, this pinjol caused a woman in Wonogiri to experience depression. In fact, to the reckless end of his life.

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