JAKARTA - The act of blaming a thug against a truck driver was caught on an amateur video by residents and went viral on social media. The incident occurred in the Kalideres area, West Jakarta.

Based on impressions that have gone viral on several social media accounts, one of which is on the Instagram account @cetul222, it appears that a young man is blaming and then approaching a truck driver's vehicle.

The driver recorded the activities of the perpetrators. The perpetrator was seen wearing a black t-shirt and hat holding a cigarette, looking angry and banging on the car window.

"Here's the bad guy. He's been bullying him. Let's catch everyone," said the video recorder, Saturday, October 23.

The perpetrators appeared to be blazing from one vehicle to another when the traffic flow stalled. Until now, the amateur video footage has gone viral on social media.

Meanwhile, the Kalideres Police claimed to have received the information.

"Currently, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kalideres Police is still conducting an investigation by collecting information from witnesses," said Kalideres Police Chief AKP Hasoloan when confirmed by reporters, Saturday, October 23.

Police have also conducted a crime scene (TKP) at the scene.

"The team has moved to the location to conduct an investigation. We ask the people who are victims to immediately report to the Kalideres Police," he said.

In addition to pursuing the perpetrators, AKP Hasoloan said his party was also taking action to prevent the action from happening again. Patrol and guard in locations that are considered prone to acts of thuggery will be tightened.

"We will continue to carry out both open and closed patrols," he said.

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