JAKARTA - The extended family of Dadia Pasek Baleagung Buleleng as the organizer of the Sudhi Wadani ceremony or converting to Hinduism, the daughter of the First President of the Republic of Indonesia, Diah Mutiara Sukmawati Soekarnoputri emphasized that the procession of the ceremony was only for internal families.

This follows the circulation of an invitation from The Sukarno Center Bali-Indonesia to attend the Sudhi Wadani Sukmawati ceremony on Tuesday, October 26, at the Soekarno Heritage Area of Nyoman Rai Serimben's Home Cultural Heritage Site, Baleagung Singaraja, Buleleng.

Kelian Dadia Pasek Baleagung Buleleng who is also the organizer of Sudhi Wadani's work, Nyoman Suadnyana Pasek also asked those who had received an invitation from The Sukarno Center not to comply with the invitation.

"The Sudhi Wadani ceremony is a special internal ceremony for the Dadia Pasek Baleagung Buleleng extended family," he wrote in his objection letter, quoted on Saturday, October 23.

Inilah undangan acara Sudhi Wadani Sukmawati Soekarnoputri yang tersebar di dunia maya. (Foto Ist)
This is the invitation to Sudhi Wadani Sukmawati Soekarnoputri's event which is spread in cyberspace. (Ist Photo)

Pasek said that in the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Baleagung Family has never issued an invitation related to the religious conversion ceremony carried out on Sukmawati Soekarno. This is to avoid crowds at the Sudhi Wadani ceremony procession.

"In consideration of the implementation of health protocols to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to maintain the solemnity and sacredness of the Sudhi Wadani ceremony, our family has never circulated an invitation letter to attend the Sudhi Wadani human ceremony which we will hold on Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at Banjar Baleagung, Package Agung Buleleng Village," he said.

The objection letter which was openly submitted was also forwarded to the Head of the Buleleng Police, the Head of the Buleleng Regency PHDI, Kelian of the Buleleng Traditional Village, the Village Head of Paket Agung, the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 in Buleleng Regency and the Task Force for Mutual Assistance in Handling COVID-19 in the Buleleng Traditional Village.

Arya Wedakarna dan Sukmawati dalam suatu kesempatan di Jakarta. (Instagram @aryawedakarna)
Arya Wedakarna and Sukmawati on an occasion in Jakarta. (Instagram @aryawedakarna)

As previously reported, the Head of the Sukarno Center in Bali, Arya Wedakarna, admitted that he was appointed by Sukmawati to help organize the Sudhi Wadhani ceremony or the inauguration ceremony and ratification of the words or promises of someone who sincerely and with a pure heart declares that they adhere to Hinduism which will be carried out by Sukmawati Soekarnoputri.

"So we help and the preparations are good and it's just a matter of implementation later. But in principle, we renamed the Sudhi Wadhani ceremony back to Hinduism. Mrs. Sukmawati returned to Hinduism based on ancestral instructions, based on a fairly high spiritual process that took a long time so that in the end," he said.

In addition, his party also conveyed that Sukmawati Soekarnoputri's transfer to Hinduism had gone through an approval process with her family.

"Both the families of his sons and daughters are the main ones and also his relatives. Mrs. Megawati, Mrs. Rachmawati, the late Mr. Guntur. Everything is in the process, so it's just an event like that," he said.

Arya Wedakarna said Sukmawati Soekarnoputri's move to Hinduism was her right to be able to return to her ancestral religion. Because, according to him, Sukmawati's grandmother, Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai Srimben, is from Singaraja, Buleleng Regency, Bali, and is Hindu.

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