JAKARTA - Central Java is one of the regions in Indonesia that is affected by the La Nina phenomenon. At least in December, rainfall in Central Java will increase by 40 percent.

This was explained by the Head of BMKG Indonesia, Dwikorita Karnawati when meeting the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, at the Puri Gedeh official residence, Friday, October 22. He said, rainfall in Central Java will continue to increase until December.

"Because there is La Nina, the potential for an increase in rainfall is more than 40 percent in the Central Java region. Starting in October, it will be in the southern region, Cilacap, Banyumas and its surroundings," said Dwi after meeting Ganjar.

This condition, continued Dwikorita, will continue to increase and peak in December.

"November is increasing, December is almost evenly distributed throughout Central Java. The increase in monthly rainfall is more than 40 percent," he said.

From his meeting with Ganjar, Dwikorita appreciated the preparatory steps that the Central Java Provincial Government had designed.

"Well, he already has plans, just the action, but the important thing is that we continue to deliver early warnings. So we give early warnings or weather developments, weather forecasts every day," he said.

Governor Ganjar Pranowo expressed his appreciation to the BMKG, which has consistently provided reports regarding developments and weather forecasts.

"Because yesterday Banjarnegara (and) Purbalingga had a landslide, and this will be more numerous, wider, more and more covering the whole of Central Java, so everyone must be careful until the peak in December," he said.

Ganjar said the information from the BMKG must also be conveyed to the village level. So people are really alert and alert.

"So the first task is, let's read the BMKG info every day, distribute it, after that practice. So if we can find out information with BMKG scientific data, we hope we can use things that are traditional in nature,” he said.

He added that traditional things include titen science or being sensitive to natural signs. For example, if it rains heavily and the duration is long, then you must immediately move to evacuate.

"One science titen, niteni if it's deres immediately go. It has the potential for a landslide to move aside, or if it has happened, titir or (sound) kentongan, and so on, "said Ganjar.

According to him, these methods are important so that the conditions will be safe and there will be no casualties. Ganjar appealed to all the people of Central Java to be alert.

"That's the way that I think is important. Thank you from BMKG for being here to provide information to Central Java, and at the same time this is a warning to all of Central Java. Be careful, it's already October, November, the peak is December, and we all have to be ready," he said.

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