JAKARTA - The residents of Cianjur can breathe easy in the midst of an uncertain economy. Because, the imposition of fines for residents who do not wear masks in public places is postponed until there is an instruction from the provincial government.

"We are still waiting for instructions, if it is true and the West Java Provincial Government has implemented it, then we will also impose fines for violators," said Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman as reported by Antara, Cianjur, Monday, July 27.

However, the socialization was still carried out. "Socialization related to the application of fines as a form of increasing the discipline of citizens is still being intensified," he said.

He explained that the imposition of fines on residents who do not wear masks while outside the home is part of an effort to improve citizen discipline in carrying out the COVID-19 prevention protocol.

"Fines are not the main goal, but the main thing is that residents are obedient and accustomed to the habit of guarding themselves by using masks when doing activities outside the home. If accidentally or forget they will get a warning but if they are lazy they will be subject to fines from Rp. , "he said.

"We hope that without any sanctions residents can get used to wearing masks when in public places or when doing activities outside the home to avoid dangerous diseases and viruses," he said.

The Cianjur Regency Government, according to him, until now has only given warnings or obliged health protocol violators to do social work such as sweeping or picking up trash in public places.

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