JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Air Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation has issued the latest flight regulations through Circular Letter Number 88 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Domestic Travel by Air Transportation during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

With the existence of this Circular (SE), the previous circulars, namely SE 62/2021 and SE 70/2021 are revoked and declared invalid.

"SE Number 88/2021 is effective starting October 24, 2021," said Director General of Civil Aviation Novie Riyanto as quoted by Antara, Friday, October 22.

Novie said the issuance of the SE No. 88/21 refers to the SE Task Force (Satgas) for Handling COVID-19 No. 21/2021, Instructions from the Minister of Home Affairs (Inmendagri) No. 53/2021, and Inmendagri No. 54/2021.

In the latest SE, flights from or to airports on Java and Bali islands, between cities on Java and Bali islands, as well as areas with Level 4 and 3 community activity restrictions (PPKM) categories, must show a vaccine card (at least the first dose of vaccination) and a negative certificate RT-PCR maximum 2x24 hours before departure.

Meanwhile, for flights from and to airports outside Java and Bali with PPKM level 1 and PPKM level 2 categories, it is mandatory to show a certificate of negative RT-PCR results (maximum 2x24 hours sample) or negative RT-antigen results (maximum sample 1x24 hours ), before departure.

Novie explained that there are a number of exceptions to the obligation to show a vaccine card. The first exception is for travelers under the age of 12 (twelve) years.

Second, perpetrators who have special health conditions with requirements are required to attach a doctor's certificate from a government hospital stating that they have not and/or are unable to take part in the COVID-19 vaccination.

Third, pioneering air transportation and air transportation flights in 3TP areas (lagging, leading, outermost, and border areas), the implementation of which is adjusted to the conditions of each region.

Director-General Novie said children under 12 years old were allowed to fly.

"Although they are allowed to fly, children must be accompanied by their parents or family, the proof is by showing a family card (KK) and fulfilling the COVID-19 test requirements as stipulated by the region," he said.

During the implementation of this circular, said Novie, passenger capacity for narrow body and wide-body jet transport categories can be more than 70 percent of the transport capacity/load factor.

"It's just that air transportation operators are required to provide three rows of seats that are designated as quarantine areas for passengers who are indicated to have COVID-19 symptoms," he said.

The airport terminal capacity is set at a maximum of 70 percent of the number of busy time passengers (PWS) during normal times.

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