JAKARTA - Political parties are asked not to carry regional head candidates in the simultaneous regional elections on December 9, 2020 who have been involved in drug abuse. Therefore, the selection made by the parties must be strict.

"My understanding as a voter should be that a former party narcotics user, why do you nominate him even though he is already cured? That is my perspective as a voter. Indeed, there are no cadres who are not ex-drug users who are much healthier, with more integrity, who have a clean track record? "," said Perludem researcher Fadli Ramadhanil as reported by Antara, Monday, July 27.

He is sure that there are still many party cadres and figures who can be encouraged to advance in the regional elections that have a clean track record and have never been involved in drug abuse.

"That perspective must be taken by a party when it carries or does not nominate a candidate," he said.

He reminded parties to be careful and tighten the selection of candidates for regional head, and have a verification system to track the track records of candidates that will be carried out.

The party, he said, must build a verification mechanism before determining a regional head candidate, for example technically collaborating with the central and regional BNN, and a number of rehabilitation hospitals to trace the track record of whether the candidate has been involved in the abuse of addictive drugs. which is dangerous.

"So, his insistence is not only to build a verification system for former drug users, but also to urge parties to be more careful in nominating who will be promoted. So, we should not look at this problem from just one aspect," he said.

Fadli also encouraged Commission II of the DPR, Ministry of Home Affairs, KPU, and Bawaslu to draft regulations that prohibit former drug users from advancing in the regional elections based on the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the conditions for nominating the 2020 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) which is contained in Article 7 paragraph (2) letter i Law Number 10/2016.

Fadli added that parties should not be pragmatic in nominating candidates for public officials, such as candidates for regional head, but must implement a system of regeneration and selection of candidates for regional head.

"The party should have a system of regeneration and recruitment that is much more democratic so that tracing the track records of who is being nominated should not be pragmatic, simple, but also really people with integrity, people who have a clean track record. then it must be considered (party), "he added.

As is known, the Constitutional Court has decided that former drug users are prohibited from becoming candidates for regional head in line with the rejection of the request for a judicial review of the rules regarding the conditions for nominating the 2020 Pilkada as contained in Article 7 paragraph (2) letter i of Law Number 10/2016.

This article prohibits a person with a disgraceful record from running for regional head. As for the despicable acts that are meant are gambling, drunkenness, drug users / dealers, and adultery.

The Constitutional Court's decision began when the former Ogan Ilir Regent, Ahmad Wazir Noviadi, submitted a request for a judicial review of the rules regarding the conditions for nominating the 2020 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) Article 7 paragraph (2) letter i of Law Number 10 of 2016.

The Constitutional Court stated that drug users are prohibited from running for regional head, except in three conditions.

First, narcotics users who are due to health reasons as evidenced by information from the treating doctor.

Second, former narcotics users who because of their own awareness report themselves and have finished undergoing the rehabilitation process.

Third, former narcotics users who are proven to be victims based on a court decision are ordered to undergo rehabilitation and have been declared to have finished undergoing the rehabilitation process, as evidenced by a certificate from a state agency that has the authority to certify that a person has completed the rehabilitation process.

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