JAKARTA - Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) released the results of a public opinion survey related to corruption issues in the two-year evaluation of President Jokowi's performance in this second period. As a result, the Indonesian public perceives the condition of eradicating corruption as getting worse.

The Executive Director of SMRC, Sirojudin Abbas, said that 24.9 percent of people rated the corruption eradication condition as good or very good.

"This figure is lower than those who rate it as bad or very bad, which is 48.2", said Abbas in a survey release titled "Two Years of National Public Evaluation of President Jokowi's Performance" online, Thursday, October 19.

While those who assess the condition of eradicating corruption are only as much as 23.2 percent. "There is still 3.8 percent who do not answer or do not know", he said.

Abbas also explained that in the last two years the perception of corruption has tended to deteriorate.

"From April 2019 to September 2021, those who assess corruption in our country are increasing in number from 47.6 percent to 49.1 percent, on the other hand, those who assess corruption are getting less and less from 24.5 percent to 17.1 percent", he explained.

Meanwhile, 27.8 percent of those who assessed that there was no change, and 6 percent of those said they didn't know.

"In the last two years, people's positive assessment of the condition of corruption in Indonesia (which says there is less corruption, ed) has decreased compared to 2019", Abbas said.

This survey was held on 15-21 September 2021 through face-to-face or face-to-face interviews. A sample of 1,220 respondents was selected at random (multistage random sampling) from the entire Indonesian population with a minimum age of 17 years or already married.

The margin of error for the survey with this sample size is estimated at approximately 3.19 percent at a confidence level of 95 percent (simple random sampling assumption).

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