SURABAYA - Dozens of teenagers on Jalan Diponegoro, Surabaya were caught without wearing masks. Mayor Tri Rismaharini gave a push-up sanction.

"Yesterday (25, July) night, I got out of the car while passing Jalan Diponegoro to remind teenagers who were busy hanging out on the pedestrian at night," said Mayor Risma in Surabaya, East Java, Sunday, as reported by Antara.

Risma reminded young people to keep wearing masks wherever they are and to keep their distance. This, he said, needs to be constantly reminded because thousands of residents are currently still being treated in hospital due to COVID-19.

Not only that, Risma also found dozens of teenagers playing online games at a coffee shop on Jalan Diponegoro. Risma immediately went down and came to them with Satpol PP officers and the Transportation Agency (Dishub) asking them to disband.

Risma then punished them with push-ups for not wearing masks. After being given push-ups for more than 10 times, the young man was given a mask and asked to go home by Risma. Meanwhile, the owner of the shop was then asked for his identity to be recorded.

In fact, Risma also threatened that if there were teenagers who contracted COVID-19, they would be quarantined for 14 days. No one is allowed to meet during the quarantine period.

Risma found dozens of teenagers playing online games at a coffee shop on Jalan Diponegoro without wearing masks (Photo: Antara)

Meanwhile, the Surabaya municipal police and garrison continue to conduct joint raids. In fact, ranks in 31 sub-districts of Surabaya also conducted raids simultaneously from 23-25 July 2020.

They enforced curfews related to the Surabaya Mayor Regulation (Perwali) Number 33 of 2020.

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