LAMPUNG - The Lampung Provincial Health Office (Dinkes) noted that there were 10 additional confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the area.

"There are 10 additional confirmed cases of COVID-19 today," said Head of the Lampung Provincial Health Office, Reihana in a written statement in Bandarlampung, Saturday, October 16.

He said the addition of 10 positive cases of COVID-19 had increased the cumulative cases from 49,439 people to 49,449 people.

"The addition comes from 5 regions in Lampung," he said.

According to him, there are 4 people in East Lampung Regency, 3 people for Metro, 1 person for Pesawaran, 1 person for West Coast, and 1 person for West Lampung.

"Of the 10 cases, in detail, 7 people were admitted to new cases, 3 people were the results of case investigations, 9 people underwent isolation and 1 person was treated," he said.

He continued that the addition of cases also occurred in cases recovered from COVID-19 where there were 10 people who recovered so that a total of 44,957 people recovered.

"There are 6 recovered cases in Bandar Lampung, 3 people in South Lampung Regency, 1 person in East Lampung," he said.

Meanwhile, 4 people died, bringing a total of 3,805 deaths due to COVID-19.

"There are 2 cases of death in Central Lampung Regency, 1 person in North Lampung, and 1 person in Pesawaran. Meanwhile, there are 74 suspected cases and 369 probable cases," he said.

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