MERAK TOL – An accident involving two tourist buses occurred on the Tangerang-Merak Toll Road. It is known, one of the buses carrying a group who wanted to make a pilgrimage to Banten Lama. The incident claimed the life of the bus driver.
According to police officers at the scene, the accident occurred at 08.30 WIB, at KM 69 Merak Toll Road (Merak side).
Meanwhile, according to an official statement received by VOI, the incident occurred because one of the buses suddenly slowed down, surprising the bus behind it.

"The bus drove the group to Merak, when the first bus slowed down, the second bus didn't anticipate it so it hit the first bus, followed by the third and fourth buses," he wrote in an official statement from the Banten Police.
Ditlantas officers who came to the scene immediately carried out the crime scene (TKP) and evacuated the victims.
Ismail Firdaus, the number two Komara bus driver who was also part of the group, said that the incident began when a group of 10 buses passed the rest area.
"From the direction of the rest area, the pickup truck slid into the right lane, cutting off the group after bus three, then the fourth bus suddenly braked, resulting in three buses in a row crashing (buses 3, 4, and 5)," said Ismail.
Police are tracking the identity of the truck because it fled after the incident.
As a result of the collision, one person named Haji Boto died. While 13 other people suffered minor injuries and they. They were taken to the Sari Asih Hospital in Serang City for treatment.
The traffic accident caused the Tangerang-Merak toll road at kilometer 69 to narrow its lane when there was one bus that could not be moved. Bus passengers also gathered under the bridge.
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