JAKARTA - The police have uncovered a case of spreading false news or hoaxes using the 'Actual TV' channel as a medium. Where, the content of the video content is provocative and divides the synergy between the TNI and Polri. In this case, three people have been named as suspects. They were arrested in East Java and Central Java in August 2021. One of the suspects is a private TV recruit in Bondowoso, Arief Zainurrohman alias AZ. While the other two people had the initials M and AF. They are account managers to voice actors in the content on the account.

Not a Journalistic Product

In this case, the police confirmed that the video content on Aktual TV was not a journalistic work. So, it can be criminally processed. "This is different from television, there is content that he creates on the YouTube platform on the YouTube channel called Aktual TV. This is not registered with the press council," said Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Friday, October 15. Moreover, the provocative content was spread by the suspect to various social media. Where, even the video content has the potential to cause uproar. "Posting, spreading through social media YouTube channels, which causes content to spread to all platforms. Like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and so on," said Yusri.

765 Provocative Content

The actual TV channel has also been confiscated. From the results of the data collection, there are 765 video content containing fake news on the channel. Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Hengki Heryadi said hundreds of provocative videos were produced and uploaded for eight months. dividing the nation's unity causes trouble," said Hengki. From the hundreds of video content, the suspects made billions of rupiah in profits. Because, getting a lot of money is one of their motives other than to divide the unity. "They apparently uploaded this content with material purposes, within eight months they got YouTube adsense of Rp. 1.8 to 2 billion," said Hengki. This is one way to provide a deterrent effect. The goal is to prevent the spread of hoax content from happening again. "With this disclosure, of course, we want to create a deterrent effect for both the perpetrators and the wider community so that they do not carry out this mode," said Hengki.

Two Generals Drag Content

On the other hand, Hengki explained the content of one of the videos on Aktual TV. Where, the video is considered very provocative because it dragged two TNI-Polri generals. There is a video that seems to mention that the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran and former Jaya Military Commander Lt. Gen. Dudung Abdurachman are the masterminds behind the KM 50 case. video) 'It turns out that the twins in this case are Inspector General Dudung and Inspector General Fadil brains instead of KM 50'," said Hengki. There is also a video entitled POM TNI and Propam sealing the house of Lieutenant General Dudung Abdurachman. So, it is strongly suspected that the video content was intended to divide the TNI-Polri. "This consists of slander, fighting between the TNI and Polri, then provoking," said Hengki. digital. Therefore, the police emphasized that this case was thoroughly investigated. "This fight is a digital era, it creates confusion, security, for personal gain. This is a record, we are all concerned," said Hengki. For his actions, the suspects were charged with Article 14 paragraph 1 paragraph 2 ITE Law, Number 19 of 2016 junto Article 28 of the Law on Criminal Law.

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