Ministry Of Religion Evaluates River Crossing Activities At Mts Harapan Baru Ciamis Which Killed 11 Students
Director General of Islamic Education Ministry of Religion M Ali Ramdhani. (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - The Director General of Islamic Education at the Ministry of Religion M Ali Ramdhani emphasized that the river crossing activity that killed 11 students of MTs Harapan Baru in Ciamis, West Java, must be evaluated. " he said, in a statement received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Saturday, October 16. M Ali Ramdhani hopes that there will be an evaluation in the implementation of extracurricular madrasah activities, especially activities that have high potential risks. The man who is familiarly called Dhani asked for security and safety in "I have asked the Head of the Madrasah Kanwil (Kemenag) West Java to be able to do this immediately," he said.

M Ali Ramdhani expressed his deep condolences for the incident. "We convey our deepest condolences. We hope that the families of the students will remain steadfast and patient," he said. Previously, a number of students at MTs Harapan Baru, Ciamis, West Java, were reported to have drowned in the Cileueur River while participating in a river crossing activity, Friday (15/10/2021). ). A total of 11 students were found dead, two other students were undergoing treatment at the hospital.

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