JAKARTA - Constitutional Law expert Refly Harun opened his voice following the leak of a 100-page document belonging to Facebook. In the document, a number of organizations and individuals are listed as dangerous.

According to Refly, this document clearly shows western bias and Islamophobia. Because those who are banned, especially in Indonesia, are individuals or groups who have been vocal in criticizing the government of Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"In the end, Facebook's voice is like the voice of the Indonesian government. In fact, if we talk about the palace group's hate speech, it has repeatedly spread hatred, including insults and so on. It's much more naked actually," explained Refly via the Youtube channel, @Refly Harun reported by VOI , Friday, October 15th.

For Refly, the voice from Facebook is the same as today's government, which often silences center-right groups because they are critical. Someone or group that is considered problematic should be proven legally, not subjectively determined by Facebook.

"Because we have to respect the principle of presumption of innocence, don't be subjective. If he is punished, it must be said that he is a link to terrorism, who spreads hatred," said Refly.

"So they are not judged, punished without a clear fault. Like the individual Ikhwan Tuan Kota who was banned by Facebook. While other groups that are not avail of the Islamic movement are not banned. So those who are banned are critical voices," explained Refly.

For information, documents belonging to Facebook containing thousands of lists of organizations and names of individuals deemed dangerous were leaked to the public. A copy of the electronic document is 100 pages thick.

As Intercept reveals, Facebook compiles the list of organizations and names based on a number of categories.

The categories of organizations and individuals affiliated with these organizations include groups that spread hatred, terror movements, criminals, and militarized social movements.

This list is compiled from organizations and individuals spread all over the world, including Indonesia. One of the organizations considered dangerous is the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

FPI is included in the category of hate speech groups. Besides FPI, there are also organizations in Indonesia that are included in the list, namely the Islamic Jihad Front, the Islamic Student Front, the Islamic Community Forum and the Indonesian Santri Front.

Meanwhile, on the list of individuals who are considered dangerous, the name Muhammad Rizieq Shihab, who is a former FPI leader, also appears. Apart from Rizieq, other former FPI officials such as Habib Ali Alatas, Munarman, and Muhsin Ahmad al Attas also appeared.

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