Police Arrest Mother Who Discarded Baby With Strangulation Injury To Neck

15 Oktober 2021, 16:30 | Editorial Team
Police Arrest Mother Who Discarded Baby With Strangulation Injury To Neck
MALANG - Police arrested a suspected perpetrator of a baby dumping whose neck was marked with strangulation marks, in Malang, East Java.

The poor baby was previously found on the path leading to the river in Ledoksari Village, Tumpang District, Malang Regency.

The alleged perpetrator is his own mother. The mother is known to be a midwife who is an apprentice at one of the Puskesmas in Tumpang.

The sub-district head of Tumpang Sukarlin said the perpetrator was arrested at his boarding house, Friday (15/10/2021)

''He has been arrested by the police. For more details, you can just ask the police, it's not my domain,'' said Sukarlin confirmed.

While the baby's condition is healthy and he is being cared for at home. He said many residents wanted to adopt the baby.

''The baby is healthy and I take care of it at home first so that no one fights over,'' he added.

The Head of the Crime Investigation Unit of the Tumpang Police, Ipda Heriyani, confirmed the arrest.

''Yes, we have secured it. We have delegated it to the Malang Police PPA Unit," he said.

As previously reported, the unfortunate fate of a baby who was dumped in Ledoksari Village, Tumpang District, Malang Regency, East Java. There were strangulation marks on the baby's neck.

The baby's condition is safe. He was found by residents in the morning and immediately taken to the Tumpang Health Center.

This baby was found by residents while crying. This baby was found naked with the placenta attached to his navel.

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