SUMSEL - Victims of fraud and embezzlement of investment funds allegedly carried out by the management of the Darsa Harka Darussalam (DHD) Farm cooperative partner continue to visit the complaint post.

The command post was opened by the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the South Sumatra Police in recent weeks.

Based on data at the complaint post as of Thursday, October 14, it was recorded that 115 people from Palembang City and other areas of South Sumatra, even from Jambi and Bengkulu, had complained.

Head of Sub-Directorate IV PPA Ditreskrimum Polda Sumsel Kompol Masnoni said that the number of people who reported being victims of catfish investment scams in the past week continued to increase.

"People who are victims of DHD Farm please report to the complaint post at the South Sumatra Police," Masnoni explained in Palembang, as reported by Antara.

To investigate the case thoroughly, his party has formed a special team. The alleged fraud case, which is estimated to have caused thousands of victims with losses of hundreds of billions of rupiah, has received special attention from the leadership to be resolved properly.

The development of the investigation into the case, his party has conducted an examination of a number of managers of the catfish livestock company and named a suspect IW as the Finance Director of DHD Farm who has now been detained.

Meanwhile, victims of Farm fraud and embezzlement of investment funds (DHD) asked the local police to investigate the case thoroughly.

"We expect the South Sumatra Police to thoroughly investigate the DHD Farm investment fraud case which caused many victims and losses of hundreds of billions of rupiah," said Ibrahim, one of the victims when reporting the case.

He explained that he suffered a loss of IDR 30 million for the investment of three organic catfish ponds whose investment funds were set by DHD Farm Indonesia, Palembang at IDR 10 million per pond. Profit sharing for investment 10 percent every 40 days after the investment contract is signed.

The initial journey of the investment fund was smooth and has received Rp9 million in profit-sharing funds for catfish.

However, entering the fourth month, traffic jams began and finally in September 2021 there were cases of alleged fraud and embezzlement of investment funds as handled by the South Sumatra Police.

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