JAKARTA - The Department of Population and Civil Registration (Disdukcapil) of Depok City said that husbands and wives who are married in an unregistered marriage can make family cards (KK). This policy has been regulated in the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation (Permendagri) Number 108 of 2019.

Head of Disdukcapil Depok City, Nuraeni Widayatti, said that every Indonesian citizen must be registered in the family card as the basis for this policy. That's why KK services for unregistered married couples can be done, but it's different in the writing of marital status in the KK.

"The Disdukcapil's job is to record, we do not legitimize unregistered marriages. Disdukcapil only serves population registration for all residents, including unregistered married couples," said Ani, quoted from the Depok City Government website, Thursday, October 14.

Ani explained, serial marriages can be included in one family card or family card. However, the writing in the marital status column in the KK is that marriage has not been recorded.

“Unlike a couple who already has a marriage book or marriage certificate with the word marriage recorded in the marital status column in the KK because it has been legalized by the state. So we only noted that there had been a marriage,” said Ani.

However, Ani added, in the manufacturing process there are additional requirements. Applicants are asked to bring a statement about their marriage.

Furthermore, Ani said, the requirement is to make a Statement of Absolute Responsibility (SPTJM), made by the person concerned or the guardian or applicant as the truth with full responsibility. Made by and known to two witnesses.

“For example, those who marry can make SPTJM. For these changes, residents can take care of their KK directly to our operators in 63 urban villages,” he concluded.

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