JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office has taken over the investigation carried out by the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office on the Head of the South Jakarta District Prosecutor's Office, Nanang Supriatna, who was reported to have met Anita Kolopaking, the lawyer for the convicted Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra.

"The examination was taken over by the Supervision Division of the Attorney General's Office," Hari Setiyono, Head of the Legal Information Center of the Attorney General's Office, told Antara, Friday 24 July.

Hari said, after information was spread through social media in the form of a video with the title "The Anita Kolopaking meeting is lobbying Nanang Supriatna, SH. Head of the South Jakarta District Prosecutor's Office", on Wednesday, July 15, 2020, the Head of the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office immediately examined South Jakarta Kajar the next day. day.

The examination, said Hari, needed to be carried out because Anita Kolopaking was the convicted lawyer Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra in accordance with the Supreme Court Judicial Review Number 12 PK / Pidsus / 2009 dated 12 June 2009, which in the verdict, among others, was found guilty of committing corruption and sentencing criminal for two years, but until now he has not been caught so he has not been executed by the executing prosecutor.

"In fact, it was reported that Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra had taken care of his KTP and registered a review of the Supreme Court's decision at the South Jakarta District Court accompanied by his lawyer," he said.

When the investigation process carried out by the DKI Jakarta Attorney General's Office was underway, a post appeared on social media containing an alleged photo of Anita Kolopaking with a woman named Pinangki who was rumored to be a prosecutor at the Attorney General's Office.

"Because the information is related to the investigation being carried out by the Supervision Division of the DKI Jakarta High Court and involves prosecutors at the Attorney General's Office, the examination is taken over by the Supervision Division of the Attorney General's Office," he said.

Furthermore, the Supervision Division of the Attorney General's Office has examined South Jakarta Kajar, Head of Special Crimes Section (Kasi Pidsus), Head of Intelligence, staff on duty at the time of the incident and one of the guests.

"And it is still scheduled again next week to conduct investigations on people who are suspected of having something to do with the problem," he said.

Attorney General Sanitiar Burhannudin has on various occasions said that the Attorney General's Office will be transparent in providing information to the public regarding the handling of this problem and if it is proven that prosecutors have committed disciplinary or criminal violations, then they will be subject to sanctions in accordance with the applicable provisions

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