SUMBAR - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of South Solok, West Sumatra, is still waiting for further studies from the Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) and the Supervision of Beliefs and Religions (Pakem).

This study is to determine whether the Life Protector sect in the district is declared heretical or not.

"Now the information obtained is only word of mouth and we need to see if there is an AD/RT or written worship rules and must be traced again so we are waiting for a study from FKUB and Pakem," said South Solok MUI chairman Syarkawi Aziz in Padang Aro, Antara, Tuesday, October 13th.

After the results of the study from FKUB and Pakem, there was only a call to MUI for an assembly session. However, he said, MUI still monitors the Life Protector Stream.

"We are still waiting for an assessment and a summons from Pakem for an assembly session," he said.

The chairman of the South Solok FKUB, Yusriadi, said that according to Pakem's research, the Life Protector sect has disturbed the community, one of which is related to prayers that are not really necessary.

"In the near future we will go to the field to see how this life-protective teaching is," he said. In terms of religious harmony, he said, the teachings have been troubling the community.

If it is known that it is heretical, coaching will be carried out so that its followers will return to running according to Islamic law.

"Our job is only to maintain and develop if sanctions are the right of the government," he said.

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