JAKARTA - The case of sexual harassment and bullying experienced by MS, an employee of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) has entered a new phase again. MS victims have provided additional evidence to the National Human Rights Commission.

Muhammad Mualimin, one of MS's legal team, stated that the additional evidence had been submitted to Komnas HAM officers in a meeting that took place at MS's residence in West Jakarta.

"We have submitted several photos and the latest information and have been secured by Komnas HAM officers," said Mualimin when contacted, Tuesday, October 12.

Mualimin said that one of the evidences submitted was a photo of the peace letter that was submitted by the alleged perpetrator. MS took a photo of the peace letter when he and the alleged perpetrator met at the KPI office some time ago.

"Komnas HAM has verified when this was taken and where it is located. It can be verified that it was taken at the KPI building," he said.

In addition, there is also evidence that the alleged perpetrators contacted MS to ask for peace. Through this additional evidence, MS would like to emphasize that the process of resolving cases of sexual harassment and bullying he faced did not go smoothly.

"Instead of being fired, the alleged perpetrator was facilitated by KPI to meet the victim and submit a letter of peace with conditions that are very detrimental to the victim," he said.

As previously reported, Komnas HAM commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara stated that today his party is again digging up information from MS, a victim of alleged sexual harassment and bullying.

Unlike the first examination, this second examination took place outside the Komnas HAM office.

"The matter of the place is still being negotiated so that MS and his family feel comfortable giving information," said Beka when confirmed by reporters, Tuesday, October 12, noon.

According to Beka, there are a number of things that will be explored by Komnas HAM officers during the second examination of MS. The first is the matter of the legal process that has been carried out by MS since this case emerged until now.

"Second, regarding the confirmation of information that has been given by the KPI secretariat and the Police," he said.

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