MEDAN - The public prosecutor (JPU) has demanded the resident of Medan Sunggal Sub-district, Hamidi MY alias Mauktar Bin M Yacob (46) with the death penalty. The defendant Hamidi was judged to be proven to be a 52 kg methamphetamine courier.

Public Prosecutor (JPU) Nurhayati Ulfia, who was read by JPU Joice Sinaga in the trial, said that the defendant was proven to have violated 114 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph 1 of Law Number 35/2009 concerning Narcotics.

"To try, ask the panel of judges to sentence the defendant Hamidi to the death penalty," said the public prosecutor before a panel of judges chaired by Judge Immanuel Tarigan, in the Cakra 8 room, Medan District Court, Tuesday, October 12.

According to the prosecutor, the defendant's actions were aggravating because they did not support the government's program in eradicating narcotics trafficking.

"Meanwhile, the mitigating factors were not found," said the Public Prosecutor.

After listening to the memorandum of the prosecution's demands, the Panel of Judges postponed the trial until next week with the agenda of the defendant's defense (pleidoi).

Citing the indictment, Public Prosecutor Nurhayati Ulfia said that the defendant was asked by Mursal to hand over a cardboard box of narcotics to Zulkifli in Kampung Lalang.

Then the defendant was contacted by Mursal again to pick up the goods to Tanjung Balai and drop them off at the Hajj Dormitory area.

However, before handing over the narcotics, officers from the National Narcotics Agency arrested the defendant and secured 50 packs of crystal methamphetamine with a total weight of 52 kg.

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