JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, stated that there would be no intervention from the Ministry of Home Affairs on the Selection Team for General Election Commission (KPU) - Indonesian Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu RI) members in any team work.

"We only convey some inputs and suggestions to the team, from the Ministry of Home Affairs, of course, do not interfere, (not) interfere with teamwork, the work team works independently", said Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, October 12.

Then, the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito, only conveyed some inputs regarding the difficulty of holding elections in 2024. The task, he said, would have started in 2023.

"Because the workload in 2023-2024 is very heavy, there will be elections for the president, DPR (House of Representatives), DPD (Regional Representative Council), provincial DPRD (Regional House of Representatives), district cities, which will be carried out simultaneously followed by simultaneous regional elections throughout Indonesia except for Yogyakarta and the second-level regions in DKI Jakarta", Tito said.

Because the workload is quite heavy, said Tito, of course, it requires KPU and Bawaslu members who are physically and mentally healthy, strong under high stress, and several other important things.

Including, the elected KPU and Bawaslu members are expected to be able to make creative breakthroughs so that the 2024 elections can be more efficient and short. Then the division of society does not last long.

"The criteria that we convey are people who can work together with teamwork and other agencies without any interference or intervention in every election", he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the South Kalimantan KPU-Bawaslu RI candidate for members, Juri Ardiantoro, said that his party will immediately draw up a schedule and work plan for the South Team to be carried out until the election of candidates for General Election Commission (KPU) - Indonesian Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) members.

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