SAMARINDA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Samarinda Police, East Kalimantan, has named an individual village head and one of his associates as suspects in the Hand Catch Operation (OTT) in the case of illegal levies (Pungli) in the local city.

Deputy Kapolresta Samarinda, AKBP Eko Budiarto, conveyed that the OTT in the extortion case was carried out in the 2021 Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Samarinda Police.

"We have carried out an OTT against the Lurah in Samarinda regarding the extortion case for Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) and the perpetrator has been named a suspect", said Eko in Samarinda, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, October 12.

He revealed that the chronology of the case began with information received that every time he managed or made PTSL in Sungai Kapih Village, he was always asked for a certain amount of money.

"We developed this information by the Corruption Crime Unit and managed to gather strong evidence that points to the two suspects that we have arrested", he continued.

The Deputy Chief of Police continued to say that the OTT was carried out on Tuesday, October 5 afternoon, at around 13.00 WITA. The Corruption Crime Unit immediately carried out the OTT with legal processes carried out against the perpetrators with the initials EA (person in the village office) and RA (partner), where they play a role in committing acts that result in state losses.

"We apply it in Article 12 E of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption. Then on behalf of the same RA, we apply articles similar to Jo Article 55 with a threat of 4 years in prison", said the middle officer of the National Police.

AKBP Eko also said that each suspect has a role, this one person is a person from the village head, when the community comes to apply for or apply for a land certificate, it is collected by the village officials through RA.

RA does not have a position within the scope of the village, but an outsider who is functioned by the village person to gather all the people who apply for land certificates.

Where people who apply for land certificates are asked for a fee of IDR 1.5 million per plot (200 square meters).

"This extortion has been carried out since November 2020. The evidence during the OTT amounted to more than IDR 600 million in cash. Some were in the account and on the desk. It is estimated that 1,500 applications from the public applied for land certificates, some paid cash, some also the installments", he said.

There are only two suspects. This is obtained from reports of people who feel aggrieved. Because indeed the PTSL application is free of charge at all according to the President's mandate. Coupled with the SKB of 3 ministers including the Minister of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions (Kemendes PDTT), Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning (ATR).

"In the process of investigation, there are still two suspects. We continue to do developments to investigate whether there are other suspects involved", said AKBP Eko.

"We also confiscated other evidence, including cellphones, calculators, savings books, and others", he said.

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