BOGOR - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Bogor, West Java must inject 1.7 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine so that its area along with the Jabodetabek agglomeration drops to level two PPKM.

"We must boost vaccination, because at least 50 percent of the population has been vaccinated to be able to go down to level two," said Bogor Regent Ade Yasin in Cibinong, Bogor, Antara, Tuesday, October 12.

Currently, the development of vaccination in Bogor Regency is only 31.84 percent or 2.69 million doses. As a result, the Bogor Regency Government had to inject another 1.7 million doses of vaccine to reach 50 percent or 4.2 million doses.

The Bogor Regency Government must also inject 5.8 million doses of vaccine to reach the target of 70 percent of the population, namely 8.5 million doses of vaccine (first and second or complete doses).

Ade Yasin admitted that the large population in his area is one of the obstacles to vaccination. Because, the population in Bogor Regency is the largest at the regional level, which is 5.4 million people.

Another obstacle is that Bogor Regency has a large area with 40 sub-districts, so the COVID-19 Task Force has difficulty reaching remote locations.

Therefore, he continued, collaborating with various agencies, including the TNI-Polri to pick up the ball for the implementation of vaccinations in remote areas.

"Vaccination centers in cities have begun to be deserted, so they will be deployed to remote areas in villages, if necessary, stay at residents' homes or village heads," said Ade Yasin who is the Head of the Bogor Regency COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

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