JAKARTA - Director of the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said the 2020 compliance operation uses a new mechanism. This means that the deployed personnel no longer carry out raids at several points or stay in one location.

Instead, it will actively patrol in search of traffic offenders. With this mechanism, it is considered to be more effective in disciplining drivers of two- and four-wheeled vehicles. This is also to avoid the crowd.

"There are no stationary raids, partroli hunting and all members carry out obedient operations," Sambodo told VOI, Thursday, July 23.

Operation obedient jaya will be held for two weeks. Starting from 23 July to 5 August. In addition, there were dozens of violations that became the priority for prosecution in the operation.

The 15 priority violations in Operation Patuh Jaya are as follows:

1. Using a cellphone while driving.

2. Using a vehicle on the sidewalk.

3. Drive against the current.

4. Driving the vehicle on the busway lane.

5. Driving a vehicle across the shoulder of the road.

6. Motorbikes crossing or entering toll roads.

7. Motorbikes cross on non-toll overpasses.

8. Driving a vehicle violates the rules or prohibitions stated by the traffic signal device (APILL).

9. Drivers who do not give priority to road users who have the main right to precedence.

10. Driving the vehicle over the speed limit.

11. Driving a vehicle not using an SNI helmet.

12. Driving on the road without turning on the main lights at night.

13. Driving a vehicle that allows passengers not to use a helmet.

14. Driving a vehicle at a railroad crossing that does not stop when the signal sounds, the railroad latches have started to close.

15. Driving a vehicle racing on the road.

On different occasions, the Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus added, in this activity, around 1,807 joint personnel from the TNI, Polri, Satpol PP and Transportation Service would be deployed. In addition, the aim of carrying out this operation is not only to reduce the number of violations, but also to increase public awareness of the dangers of COVID-19 by continuing to use personal protective equipment (PPE) while driving.

"Increased public awareness and compliance with Law number 22 of 2009 concerning road transport traffic, public awareness of the dangers of Covid-19 during the adaptation period of new habits," said Yusri.

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