NTB - Governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) H Zulkieflimansyah asked his staff to act quickly in dealing with fire victims in Naru Village, Sape District, Bima Regency, NTB.

"The governor is currently in Papua, he swiftly asked the Head of the NTB BPBD and the NTB Social Service Head to act quickly to send aid to the fire victims," said the Head of the NTB Information and Statistics Communications Service (Diskominfotik) Najamuddin Amy in Mataram. , Between, Monday, October 11th.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPBD through the Secretary of the Agency, Wayan Sunanta admitted that his party had received orders from the Governor of NTB to immediately help the victims of the fire disaster.

"We have also coordinated with the Bima Regency Government to immediately carry out handling in the field. The team from the province will also immediately go down," he said via text message.

Meanwhile, the Head of the NTB Social Service, H Ahsanul Khalik, when confirmed, has also moved with the Disaster Preparedness Cadets (Tagana) in the field to provide assistance to disaster victims.

"What is in the provincial warehouse, we will immediately release the stock for handling," he said. The assistance provided included blankets, mattresses, cleaning equipment, ready-to-eat food, and tarpaulins/rolled tents.

"We will remove regular rice this Monday from the Bulog Bima warehouse," said Ahsanul Khalik.

Previously, there was a fire accident last Sunday at around 15.30 WITA in Naru Village, Sape District, Bima Regency.

The fire caused 63 houses to be burned and 71 heads of families (KK) or 241 people became victims. It is suspected that the fire was caused by an electrical short circuit.

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