JAKARTA – The popularity and electability of the General Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, in East Java has increased sharply. This can be seen from the results of a survey conducted by The Republic Institute, on September 1-13, 2021, especially in East Java Province.

Airlangga's popularity in the survey has now increased to Airlangga Hartarto's 65.3 percent from the previous 35.6 percent. This figure outperforms several names of other candidates milling about in various national presidential election surveys. For example, Puan Maharani (60.7 percent), Susi Pudjiastuti (57.6 percent), Ridwan Kamil (55.7 percent), Muhaimin Iskandar (52.0 percent), La Nyalla (50.7 percent), Tito Karnavian (46.3 percent).

Meanwhile, for the highest popularity of presidential candidates in the eyes of the people of East Java, it is still dominated by figures who are often published by many media and research institutions nationally. For example, Prabowo Subianto (98.8 percent), Khofifah (97.8 percent), Tri Rismaharini (85.8 percent), Sandiaga Uno (85.3 percent), Ganjar Pranowo (83.8 percent), Anies Baswedan (83, 4 percent), Agus H. Yudhoyono (78.2 percent), Luhut Panjaitan (72.6 percent).

Meanwhile, for the level of electability for potential political actors at the national level who have the opportunity to participate in the contestation in the upcoming presidential election if the choice at that time puts Ganjar Pranowo in the highest position.

The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar, has electability of 31.4 percent. This was followed by Prabowo Subianto in second place with electability of 23.0 percent, then Anies Baswedan in third with 12.3 percent.

For the people of East Java in the survey, Airlangga Hartarto managed to rank fourth with electability of 4.5 percent. Then followed by Agus H. Yudhoyono 3.3 percent, Khofifah 3.2 percent, Tri Rismaharini 2.9 percent, Muhaimin Iskandar 2.2 percent, Ridwan Kamil 1.9 percent, Sandiaga Uno 1.5 percent, and those who have not yet determined 11 ,6 percent.

This is certainly rapid progress for Airlangga who is now able to rank fourth in a survey conducted by The Republic Institute.

Judging from the distribution of his choice of presidential candidates, it seems that they are very strong in their respective political parties and organizations close to them. This is illustrated by Ganjar Pranowo's voters, supported by 52.5 percent of PDIP voters, 31 percent of NU voters, and 40 percent of Muhammadiyah voters.

Meanwhile, Prabowo Subianto was supported by 47 percent of Gerindra Party voters, 23 percent of NU voters, 21 percent of Muhammadiyah voters; Anies Baswedan is supported by 25 percent of PAN Party voters, 11 percent of NU voters, 18 percent of Muhammadiyah.

Airlangga Hartarto is supported by 21 percent of Golkar Party voters, 3 percent of NU voters, 7 percent of Muhammadiyah voters. Agus H. Yudhoyono is supported by 27 percent of Democrat voters, 4 percent of NU voters, 5 percent of Muhammadiyah voters.

In this survey, the sampling technique was multistage random sampling with a total sample of 1225 respondents spread over 38 districts and cities throughout the province of East Java.

Then the sample was lowered from the Province to the Regency/City level, then to the Subdistrict level, continued to the Village level, and then lowered to the Neighborhood Unit (RT), House level and determined the research subject. The sampling process was carried out using an interview technique conducted on September 1-13, 2021. The sampling technique used the Multi-stage Random Sampling method with a margin of error of 2.8 percent.

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