TANGERANG - The 2021 Simultaneous Village Head Elections in Tangerang Regency have been carried out safely and conducively, with the security of the Banten Police, the ranks of the Resort Police, the TNI, and the Tangerang Regency Government. According to the information received, all villages have safely completed the plenary vote.

Banten Police Chief Inspector General Pol Dr. Rudy Heriyanto said that as of tonight, almost all villages have safely completed the plenary session, the rest of the other villages are still holding plenary sessions with tight security from personnel.

"Yes, tonight plenary meetings are taking place at other village offices and personnel from the Banten Police, the TNI, and the Tangerang Regency Government are providing tight security so that the plenary meeting can proceed in an orderly and conducive manner," said Rudy Heriyanto in a statement received on Sunday. October 10.

The Regional Police Chief also appreciated the performance of the joint personnel in securing the Pilkades held in Tangerang Regency to run safely, conducive and orderly.

"Thank you for the optimal security carried out by Banten Police personnel, line police, TNI, Tangerang Regency Government and the community. The Pilkades in Tangerang Regency is a national pioneer in security patterns that will be used as examples for other Polda," said Rudy Heriyanto.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police AKBP Shinto Silitonga added that the results of the vote count would be submitted by the Tangerang Regency level committee.

"So it is considered necessary for the candidates for village heads and their supporters not to be euphoric with the results of the current plenary session, it's best if we both maintain this conduciveness until the end of the Pilkades process," concluded Shinto Silitonga.

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