SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government launched a mobile vaccine car to help accelerate COVID-19 vaccination in the Gerbangkertosusila agglomeration area (Gresik, Bangkalan, Mojokerto, Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Lamongan).

"God willing, this mobile vaccine car will help agglomeration in the Gerbangkertosusila area," said Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi at the launch of the mobile vaccine car at Surabaya City Hall, quoted by Antara, Sunday, October 10.

The launch of the Mobile Vaccine Car was marked by the cutting of jasmine strands by the Danrem and followed by the breaking of the jug by the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi.

After being launched, the vaccine car was handed over to the Danrem, one of the coordinators in the implementation of agglomeration vaccination, so that the mobile car's operational schedule will be regulated by Korem 084/Bhaskara Jaya.

Mayor Eri Cahyadi said the car would be used to help accelerate vaccines in the Gerbangkertosusila agglomeration area. Because, to get to PPKM Level 2 and Level 1, one of the requirements is vaccination, namely vaccine dose 1 and dose for the elderly.

He ensured that the implementation of vaccination in the city of Surabaya had reached 110 percent for vaccine dose 1, and for the elderly vaccine it had reached more than 90 percent. As for the vaccine dose 2 in Surabaya has reached 80 percent.

"Well, if the city of Surabaya wants to lower its level to level 2 to level 1, it must immediately help the agglomeration area, namely Gerbangkertosusila," he said.

Eri Cahyadi explained that this was a function and impact of mutual cooperation between the Forkompinda of the City of Surabaya and the Forkopimda of the Province of East Java. Therefore, he hopes that in the future this mutual cooperation can make Surabaya City become PPKM level 1.

"Because of the vaccine, Surabaya's acceleration is already higher, but because of the agglomeration of Gerbangkertosusila. For me this is not like a competition, but a body, which must strengthen each other and help each other," he said.

The Mayor of Surabaya explained that the target of accelerating vaccination by using a mobile vaccine car is not only pursuing the Bangkalan Madura area, but also helping to complete the acceleration of vaccines in the Gerbangkertosusila area.

"Actually, not only in Bangkalan, but in many places. Later, God willing, when Gresik is finished they will also help, when Sidoarjo is finished they will also help. We hope, when the area is realized, the area will join us as one and this is what we continue to do. I said regional heads are not a competition, but regional heads work hand in hand for the interests of their citizens," said Eri Cahyadi.

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