JAKARTA - Terrorism and intelligence observer from The Community of Ideological Islamic Analyst (CIIA) Harits Abu Ulya supports the dishonorable discharge and corporal punishment of individual Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) soldiers involved in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) involvement.

"So, yes, just fire the soldiers involved in the LGBTQ community. The dismissal is good, I agree 100 percent," Harits said in a written statement in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Friday, October 8.

It was emphasized that individual TNI soldiers with LGBT behavior must be fired so that behavior that destroys social and religious order does not spread to other TNI soldiers. Moreover, everyone can potentially make deviations in terms of sexual relations.

Harits said that the High Military Court III Surabaya has now sentenced him to 6 months in prison and dismissed an individual member of the Indonesian Navy who was proven guilty of having sex with the same sex.

He admitted that he did not understand why only individual TNI AL soldiers were fired. In fact, victims and persons involved in LGBT have crossed dimensions and strata, whether officers, non-commissioned officers, or enlisted.

According to him, currently only the Chief of Naval Staff (KSAL) Admiral Yudo Margono has taken a firm response by dismissing unscrupulous members of the Indonesian Navy who are involved in LGBT activities.

"It (LGBT) is a moral disease. The law is upheld, it's done," said Harits.

Harits also suggested that the TNI institutions continue to consistently set a good example, there is no tolerance for LGBT because it destroys morals so that it must be cleaned from various segments of society, especially the TNI.

Criminal law expert from Trisakti University (Usakti) Jakarta, Abdul Fickar Hadjar said that the firm action against unscrupulous members of the Indonesian Navy who was involved in LGBT activities indicated that KSAL Admiral Yudo Margono had a special interest in the development of his soldiers.

He also hopes that strict action will also apply to all dimensions if there are unscrupulous soldiers.

"This is also a concern for the TNI Commander so that strict action is taken if there are elements in all dimensions," said Fickar.

Fickar said that military criminal justice as well as military prosecutors should not only ensnare perpetrators of certain dimensions, such as the Navy, but also all personnel of the military forces involved based on sufficient evidence.

This, he said, became important so as not to appear discriminatory in action for other dimensions. Basically the influence of LGBT is very dangerous for the development of soldiers.

"LGBT can enter the military because of the unrestricted association. In addition, the existence of LGBT is also talent. The potential for LGBT can be due to talent. This is completely a disease," said Fickar asserted.

It is known that the High Military Court III Surabaya sentenced 6 months in prison and dismissed a member of the Indonesian Navy who was proven to have committed same-sex sex.

Decision of the Military Court III-12 Surabaya Number 55-K/PM.III-12/AL/IV/2021 dated July 29, 2021 in its entirety. This decision confirms the decision of the court of first instance.

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