JAKARTA – Responding to accusations that one of the 9-month pregnant patients who received unpleasant treatment from health workers (nakes), the Head of the Tambora Community Health Center, Kristen gave a clarification.
Kristen denied that her party discriminated against pregnant women with the initial E, which had gone viral on social media. Christian said, the health worker of the Tambora Health Center provides services by prioritizing patient safety.
"We do not discriminate against anyone who wants to give birth," Kristen quoted Suara.com as saying, Friday, October 8.
Still explained by Kristen, pregnant women who came to the Tambora Health Center to give birth were not the first time. There have been many similar incidents, everything has always been well served.
"Actually, a case like this is not the first time this has happened. Previously, there have been many cases like this, in the sense that pregnant women who want to give birth do not bring their husbands, and everything is fine," he said.
He said, assistance does not have to be with the husband, it is okay with anyone. The important thing is that there are parties who are responsible for administrative management.
"So you have to refer, there must be a companion who is responsible for administration," he said.
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