JAKARTA - Member of the DPRD of North Sumatra, Kiki Handoko Sembiring, has been named a suspect in the case of beating 2 police officers.

Kapolrestabes Medan Kombes Riko Sunarko said the attack took place in the parking lot of the Capital Building nightclub, Saturday, July 19. Kiki and a dozen colleagues ganged up on Bripka Karingga Ginting and Bripka Mario until they were seriously injured.

"The person concerned has participated in the persecution and has been detained," said Riko to VOI, Wednesday, July 22.

Of the dozens of people who were arrested, it was not only Kiki who was named a suspect. There were 7 fellow DPRD members who were also proven to have mistreated them. In fact, 1 of them is a woman.

As a result of the interim examination, the persecution case was only triggered by a trivial problem, namely, touching each other.

"Of the 17 people, we have named 8 suspects. 7 are male and 1 female," said Riko.

In fact, the persecution case developed into a drug abuse case. Because, based on the results of urine tests, 7 people who were arrested tested positive for consuming methamphetamine.

4 people who tested positive for methamphetamine were the suspects in a persecution case. However, Kiki's urine test was negative.

"(Kiki) is not a positive one. There are 4 people who are positive for methamphetamine," concluded Riko.

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