SURABAYA - The case of alleged defamation of Bojonegoro Deputy Regent Budi Irawanto's complaint against Bojonegoro Regent Anna Mu'awanah continues. After being handled by the Bojonegoro Police, the case has now been withdrawn to the East Java Police.

"The case was transferred today from the local Police to the East Java Police. This means that the Deputy Regent's complaint against the Regent of Bojonegoro has been officially handled by the Ditreskrimsus of the East Java Police as of today," said the Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police, Grand Commissioner Gatot Repli Handoko, confirmed on Thursday, October 7.

Gatot said that the East Java Police Ditreskrimsus would then form a team to analyze the Bojonegoro Deputy Regent's complaint. The investigator will then summon witnesses.

"There will certainly be a case process at the next stage. And of course, there will be calls from related parties to complete the file," he said.

Previously, the feud between the Deputy Regent of Bojonegoro, Budi Irawanto, and the Regent of Bojonegoro, Anna Mu'awanah, culminated on Thursday, September 9, 2021. Wawan, as he is known, reported Anna to the Bojonegoro Police regarding the alleged defamation.

The alleged defamation came after Wawan was offended by Anna's statement in a WhatsApp (WA) group. Wawan himself is counted as a PDIP cadre, while Anna is a PDIP cadre.

This case began when Wawan questioned the validity of the number of COVID-19 patients in Bojonegoro in a WhatsApp group on July 6, 2021. According to Wawan, the question arose because the data on COVID-19 patients in Bojonegoro, which was reported to the public, was different from the data in the field.

Anna, who is the admin of the group, replied to the question, with answers that Wawan considered offensive to him and his family.

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