JAKARTA - The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) said that Gerindra Party politician, Fadli Zon's statement about the Anti-terror Detachment 88 being busy developing an Islamophobic narrative in the country is completely unfounded. Because the performance of Densus 88 Anti-terror is very effective.

"For us, this statement is completely unfounded. It is not supported by data, it is not supported by research, and it is historical", said Commissioner of National Police, Poengky Indarti, in her statement, Thursday, October 7.

Moreover, said Poengky, Fadli Zon is not part of the police officers' performance supervisor. Where the supervisor is the Indonesia House of Representatives Commission III.

"Moreover, Mr. Fadli Zon is not included in the commission that is a partner or supervisor of the Police", she said.

On the other hand, The National Police Commission deeply regrets that there is a statement about Densus 88 that it is better to dissolve it. Poengky said the narrative of the disbandment was often heard but from the terrorists.

"So far, the narratives that say Densus 88 must be disbanded are the narratives of terrorist groups and radical groups, so it is misleading and very dangerous if a member of the council supports the narrative", said Poengky.

Previously, Fadli Zon had expressed his surprise at the work of Densus 88 which was busy developing an Islamophobic narrative. In fact, the priority of handling terrorists that clearly oppose the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia has never been completely resolved.

"Separatist terrorists who clearly challenge Indonesia should be the priority but cannot be handled. Don't always develop an Islamophobic narrative that can divide the nation", said Fadli through a tweet on his Twitter account, @fadlizon quoted on Wednesday, October 6th.

The tasks of dealing with terrorism, suggested by Fadli, should be handed over to the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT). Because too many institutions are involved in these cases.

"In my opinion, there are too many institutions dealing with terrorism. It should be @BNPTRI", explained the member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

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