BOGOR - The Bogor City Government, West Java is still waiting for a study by IPB and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) regarding the Bogor Botanical Gardens Glow night tour program in response to the aspirations of the community and managers.

"That's why the study was strengthened and conveyed to the public," said Deputy Mayor of Bogor, Dedie A. rachim, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, October 6.

Dedie said that in accordance with the direction of the Mayor of Bima, Arya Sugiarto, who explicitly asked to wait for the results of the studies of researchers and experts before drawing conclusions.

In addition, the authority of the Bogor Botanical Gardens is not only in the hands of the local government but also the central government regarding the conservation of plants and animals.

"We are waiting, the authority lies with the central government," he said.

Deputy Walkot Bogor believes that conservation and tourism policies in the Bogor Botanical Gardens will definitely go through studies from experts.

On the other hand, said Dedie, the management needs to intensively socialize the purpose and reach of the Glow program.

"Secondly, we ask that there are comprehensive steps to convey to the public so that there will be no miscommunication, for example, is it true that Golw activities are carried out throughout the Botanical Gardens or only partially," he explained.

According to Dedie, the Bogor City Government advised all interested parties to sit down together to express their opinions and assessments.

"If it needs to be corrected, it will be corrected," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Conservation Partners for the Bogor Botanical Gardens, Junaedi, said that from an area of 87 hectares, the Glow program only uses 10 percent or 1.2 kilometers.

Visitors are also limited to 50 people per session and a maximum of around 500 people with a duration of about three hours from 18.00 to 21.00 WIB.

The Glow night tour program is only open on weekends, Saturdays and Sundays with five routes starting from the entrance to Pandan Park, Mexico, Aquatic Park, Time Alley in Canary Region II, and Astrid Park.

Inside the park, visitors can see plants that are illuminated by light and have names according to their types, recorded digitally using QR barcode access. The digital naming of the tree was introduced as a tree ID card.

Each garden has its own uniqueness, presenting a variety of plants with different planting patterns and treatments.

Furthermore, there is also a show of the history of the planet to the presence of plants in the Time Zone zone of the Kenari II area and the history of the Botanical Gardens at Taman Asrtid.

Junaedi explained that the Glow program is in an environment where plants need light at night to grow or flower.

In fact, the Glow program will be the subject of new research on the aspects of light on plants.

"For tree descriptions, we actually work with researchers, so we don't just write, researchers know better," he explained.

Previously, four former heads of the Bogor Botanical Gardens (KRB) had criticized the night attraction using artificial light in the plant conservation area which was considered to be disturbing the night biota.

The four were former Head of the Bogor Botanical Gardens for the 1983-1987 period, Usep Soetisna, for the 1990-1997 period, Suhirman, for the 1997-2003 period, Dedy Darnaedi, and for the 2003-2008 period, Irawati.

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