LABUAN BAJO - A naturalist guide at Loh Buaya Resort, National Park Management Section (SPTN) Region I Komodo National Park (BTNK) in West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara named Anton is now undergoing a recovery period after being bitten by a dragon

"On October 4, Anton was taken to Siloam Hospital for a wound examination and changing the bandage. There were no complaints from him," said Head of the Komodo National Park Agency (BTNK) Lukita Awang quoted by Antara, Wednesday, October 6.

Anton was bitten by a dragon while carrying out security at the Loh Buaya Resort nature tourism infrastructure area at 16.50 WITA. He fell while guarding and keeping the dragons away from getting close to the workers there.

Nature tour guide Anton got a Komodo dragon bite in the groin area. He tried to remove the bite of the Komodo dragon with his left hand which caused an incision wound.

Then, he was assisted by rangers and other natural tour guides so that the Komodo dragon took off its bite at 16.55 WITA.

Furthermore, Anton also received emergency first aid while waiting for the call to arrive at Loh Buaya.

The BTNK fast boat arrived at 17.30 WITA and took Anton back to Labuan Bajo to be rushed to the Siloam Hospital and currently Anton is undergoing intensive treatment and is in the process of recovering.

For this incident, Lukita appealed to tourists to be more careful and be wise in acting within the Komodo National Park area.

"This must be done to avoid unwanted things from happening," said Lukita

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