There Is A Wound On The Victim's Neck, Police Investigate The Cause Of Death Of A 29-year-old Man In A Boarding House In The Grogol Area
Illustration of a man's body

JAKARTA - Residents on Jalan Susilo, Grogol Village, Grogol Petamburan Subdistrict, West Jakarta were suddenly excited to see a corpse in the boarding room. Tanjung Duren Police Chief Kompol Rosana Albertina Labobar when confirmed confirmed the discovery of the man's body.

Rosana said that when the body was found it was in a supine position. At the crime scene, officers found a scar on the neck.

"It is true that the victim's body was injured in the neck," explained Rosana to reporters at the crime scene (TKP), Wednesday, September 6.

The police chief reiterated that the body of the man with the initials JL (29) was estimated to have been there for more than a day. Rosana also added, based on witnesses, the victim had time to leave the room, Monday, October 4.

"No (meeting people), the victim herself. So the victim went to the bathroom and then returned to the room. That was the last one (witness testimony, ed)," he said.

Police also found scissors and a catheter in the victim's room.

"There are bloodstains. We are still investigating," he concluded.

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