LAMPUNG - The Lampung Regional Police together with the Kedaton Bandarlampung Police have arrested a suspected robbery suspect who has been on the People's Wanted List (DPO) in the Mangga Dua area, Jakarta.

The suspect with the initials MF alias Tuyul (21), a resident of Teluk Pandan District, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung, was arrested on Wednesday, October 6 for a case of violent theft (jambret) that caused the death of the victim, Mama Susiwati (75). Tuyul's action took place at the Bandar Lampung Tugu Market a few months ago.

"We arrested the suspect based on the testimony of his colleague, who we have arrested for a long time," said Director of Criminal Investigation at the Lampung Police, Kombes Reynold Hutagalung, at Bandarampung, as quoted by Antara.

He continued to arrest the suspect when members received information that the suspect was in hiding in the Mangga Dua area, Jakarta.

When arresting the suspect, the officers also confiscated evidence in the form of a motorbike, one blue jeans, one blue jacket, and a pair of black sandals.

"During the arrest, the perpetrator resisted so we were forced to paralyze him with hot lead," he said.

Reynold added that based on the suspect's statement, he admitted that he had carried out his actions 31 times in different locations in the Bandarlampung area. In addition, the suspect is also a recidivist in a case of violent theft.

"For his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code paragraphs 2 1 and 2 with the threat of imprisonment for 12 years," he said.

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