JAKARTA - Pro-Democracy activist network (ProDEM) held a demonstration in front of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) building. They asked the KPK to investigate the Pandora Papers.

Pandora Papers is a term for leaked financial data from 14 agents of shell companies in tax countries. The report includes the names of the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan and the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto.

"We ask the KPK to thoroughly investigate the Pandora Papers," said the chairman of ProDEM, Iwan Sumule in front of the KPK building, Wednesday, October 6.

According to him, the actions of the two state officials did not reflect a good attitude. Because, in the Pandora Papers, Luhut and Airlangga took action to avoid taxes.

"A wise person obeys taxes, if people don't obey taxes, it means they are not wise people," he said.

In addition, said Iwan, in the action which is claimed to be attended by 50 people, they plan to hand over a pair of bats. The animal is symbolized as two state officials who suck people's blood.

However, the plan was canceled. This is because the two bats are said to have been seized by those who tried to block their demonstration.

"As a symbol of vampires, a symbol of the blood-sucking of the people. Today's people are burdened with various kinds of tax matters," said Iwan.

ProDEM demonstration at the KPK building (Rizky Adytia-VOI)

Golkar Party Responds to Pandora Papers

The Secretary-General of the Golkar Party, Lodewijk F. Paulus, will search for information on the Pandora Papers which mentions Airlangga Hartarto and Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

According to him, this information does not have a clear source. In fact, after being searched in foreign media, no clear source was found.

"I don't know, I don't know yet. But we, if we read on social media, he said, the source is also not clear. But indeed there is one national print media that has conveyed this," he said at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 5.

"But we're trying to find out where it came from, we don't know yet. Of course, the team from Golkar will continue to monitor this problem," he added.

Lodewijk admits that the information is not good for the current conditions, where Indonesia is concentrating on the implementation of the National Sports Week (PON) in Papua.

"Yes, we will continue to study, yes, it was a rumor too, not good for us. While we are concentrating on PON, The National Armed Forces (TNI) anniversary, then there are issues like that. Hopefully, there will be clarity," he said.

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