JAKARTA - Chairman of the PAN DPP for Organizational Development and Membership (POK) Ahmad Mumtaz Rais, opened his voice regarding his viral video about a Rp100 million donation to Gus Miftah's Islamic Boarding School on social media. When confirmed by VOI, according to Mumtaz, his statement in the viral video was normal. good at playing viral guitar, playing viral drums, crying when he heard the news that the chairman of the Papua PAN DPW died went viral, the opening speech without text without a telepromter went viral," said Mumtaz.

Not commenting on the reality of his contribution to the 2024 General Election, Mumtaz actually considers anything viral about him to be normal. He was not surprised anymore by its virality.

"So it's normal for good bangers, good bangers to deliver viral prayers, lastly, good guys eating with Mr. RK are viral, so it's been viral everyday, bro, you know it's not," he said. playing viral ball, playing guitar viral," added Mumtaz. Previously, a video of PAN politician Ahmad Mumtaz Rais about his donation to Gus Miftah's Islamic boarding school went viral on social media. Mumtaz linked his contribution to support for the 2024 election.

The son of Amien Rais made a 45-second video aimed at the Ora Aji Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) in Sleman, Yogyakarta, owned by Gus Miftah. remember, don't sell the DPR from another party, only Mumtaz Rais," he said in the video.

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