JAKARTA - The Indonesian Political Indicator Survey Institute explained that the survey results showed a decrease in trust in President Joko Widodo and Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

This was explained by the Executive Director of Political Indicators Burhanuddin Murtadi in the results of a survey regarding public opinion on COVID-19 from the health and economic dimensions.

"Trust (trust) in key figures related to handling COVID-19 has decreased. Although, public trust and confidence in President Jokowi is still higher than Minister of Health Terawan," Burhanuddin said in a webinar, Tuesday, July 21.

Based on the survey results, there was a decrease in public confidence in Jokowi between July and May. In May, there were 67.7 percent of the public who were quite trusting and trusting. While in July this figure fell to 60.9 percent.

Then, there is also a decrease in trust in Terawan in handling COVID-19. In May, there were 58 percent of the public who quite trusted and trusted Terawan. While in July this figure fell to 38.9 percent.

Meanwhile, there has also been a decrease in public distrust of Jokowi. In May, 11 percent expressed disbelief in Jokowi's handling of COVID-19, then in July it fell to 9 percent.

This decrease had an impact on the increase in the number of respondents who considered Jokowi's handling of COVID-19 as ordinary, with a figure of 18.6 percent to 28.1 percent.

To Terawan, the public's distrust of it has actually increased. In May, 12.9 percent said they did not believe in Terawan's handling of COVID-19. However, in July it increased to 20.8 percent.

In addition, there is an increase in the number of respondents who think Terawan's handling of COVID-19 is normal, with a figure of 21 percent to 32.9 percent.

"That way, the level of public trust in the President in overcoming the pandemic has decreased but it is still quite high, but towards the Minister of Health tends to be low and lower than previous findings," explained Burhanuddin.

For information, this survey was conducted in the period from 13 to 16 July 2020. The survey was conducted on 1,200 people using telephone contacts to respondents who had been asked to survey the previous period.

This survey has a margin of error (tolerance of error) of 2.9 percent and has a confidence level of 95 percent. Samples come from all provinces that are proportionally distributed.

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