JAKARTA - Chairman of the Youth Center, Muhamamdiyah Sunanto, acknowledged that the General Chair of the Golkar Party's DPP, Airlangga Hartarto, had a great chance to run as a presidential candidate in the 2024 election.
According to Cak Nanto - as he is usually called - Airlangga must cooperate with the vice presidential candidate from Muhammadiyah or Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) to complete the nationalist-religious coalition.
Cak Nanto said that companions from religious elements could support the axis of the nationalist-religious coalition which is expected to emerge in the 2024 presidential election.
"Until now Muhammadiyah has not offered a name, but what is clear is that Pak Airlangga's representative must be religious. Is it NU or Muhammadiyah whose components can support Pak Airlangga's figure who is considered a nationalist," said Cak Nanto, in a statement, Tuesday, October 5.
Cak Nanto assessed that the nationalist-religious axis was needed in the 2024 presidential election in order to prevent the potential for polarization. He said the coalition of nationalist and religious political parties is expected to unite all components of society.
In the context of the presidential election, it really depends on who the figures are encouraged to represent all of these components. PP Pemuda Muhammadiyah admitted to open itself to all parties who want to collaborate in the interests of the nation.

Although, Cak Nanto asserted, Muhammadiyah Youth positioned itself as non-political. Cak Nanto assessed that Airlangga Hartarto also still has homework to boost his electability as a presidential candidate in 2024. “It takes efforts from grassroots and parties to increase the electability and popularity of Airlangga. What is important now is that Golkar must be solid,” said Cak Nanto.
Secretary General of the DPP Satkar Golkar Party Ashraf Ali assessed that the nationalist-religious coalition was one of the ideals for Airlangga and Golkar. According to him, the heterogeneous character of Indonesian society requires an understanding to look at the future of the nation together.
On the other hand, voters in Indonesia who have a static choice are only around 30 percent. The rest, as much as 70 percent are dynamic. "Well, 70 percent of the character is religious, so it is very natural that there is a national coalition with a religious character that we must approach," Ashraf said some time ago. Who will partner with Airlangga Hartarto? We are waiting for further developments.
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