PAPUA - The Papua COVID-19 Prevention and Handling Task Force (SGPP) stated that currently 29 cases were found in four XX PON clusters. Spokesperson for SGPP COVID-19 Papua, dr. Silwanus Sumule admitted that the 29 people who were exposed consisted of athletes, officials and the organizing committee (panpel).

As for the spread of 29 people who were positive for COVID-19, namely 13 people in Timika, seven people in Jayapura Regency, six people in Jayapura City and three people in Merauke. From the reports received, on average they had mild symptoms and some even had no symptoms.

"All of them have been vaccinated in their area before coming to Papua to take part in PON XX," said Sumule, adding that because they had been vaccinated, even though they had tested positive, they were asymptomatic. floating centralized isolation in KM Tidar for Jayapura and KM Sirimau in Merauke, said dr. Sumule, Head of the Jayapura City Health Office, dr. Nyoman Antari, admitted that the six positive XX PON athletes came from DKI Jakarta, two people, North Sumatra, NTT and East Kalimantan each. who are being treated in floating central isolation at KM Tidar and Provita Hospital.

Currently KM Tidar is handling three people who are positive for COVID-19 including two athletes who are participating in PON XX, added dr. Nyoman Antari.

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