EAST KALIMANTAN - Residents of North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, handed over three firearms to the Military District Command or Kodim 0913/Penajam Paser Utara.

The commander of Kodim 0913/Penajam Paser Utara, Lieutenant Colonel Infantry Dharmawan Setyo Nugroho, said residents handed over three firearms on Sunday, October 3.

"In addition to the three firearms, the residents concerned also handed over live ammunition along with two handcuffs", he said.

The firearms handed over by the residents, he said, were not homemade because they had a registration number made in the United States.

The three firearms, according to him, are old firearms made around 1928 to 1943 and are still functioning, the ammunition is still active.

The firearms handed over by the residents were a 22 mm caliber revolver made in the United States and two rounds of ammunition, as well as a 5.56 mm caliber assault rifle and 33 rounds of ammunition.

Then the ammunition box, 0.30 mm carbine gun and three rounds of ammunition, and two handcuffs. "Three firearms were found by residents while cleaning the house, then they were consciously handed over to the Kodim 0913/Penajam Paser. We got the information, then we approached the residents who had the firearms. The firearms were handed over at the resident's house", he said.

Military District Command 0913/Penajam Paser Utara really appreciates the people who have consciously handed over the three firearms. The handover of the firearms, he said, was a testament to the public's trust in the security forces.

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