JAKARTA - The Department of Environment and Hygiene (DLHK) of Tangerang Regency, Banten noted that at least 36 large and medium-sized industries are suspected to have polluted the waters of residents in the area. Tangerang Regency," said Tangerang Regency DLHK Legal Development Section Head, Sandi Nugraha in Tangerang, reported by Antara, Monday, October 4. From the reports, everything is related to environmental pollution such as water flow, air and so on," he said.

He said that related to the report, his party had made monitoring efforts. In fact, if there are industries that are reckless in throwing waste into rivers, they will be given sanctions in accordance with the applicable law. In addition, he added, of the hundreds of companies under the supervision of the Tangerang Regency DLHK, currently 36 industrial companies have been given a written warning. to improve waste management. "As in the latest case, by PT Mayora Indah Jayanti. It is suspected that it has polluted residents' waters. And we immediately take action to summon the management and conduct research whether it is true or not," he said. Tangerang Regency has happened repeatedly, therefore it will increase supervision on industrial waste management. "So far we have carried out routine supervision of companies, especially those that already have environmental documents. Then if there are violations, we will certainly give sanctions," he said. "And kit It is also targeted that in one year as many as 200 companies must have environmental documents," he added. do not violate this law, God willing, there will be no environmental pollution," he said.

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