JAKARTA - The Governor of Gorontalo, Rusli Habibie, hopes that the angry action of the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini will end in his area. Because if it continues, it could even endanger Risma too.

After inviting him to his house, Fajar Sidik Napu, assistant of the Family Hope Program (PKH), whom Risma had scolded, Rusli admitted that he did not want to prolong this problem. Everyone is asked to react wisely.

Rusli admits that he loves Social Minister Risma, he just doesn't want Risma's frequent angry attitude to continue in other areas.

"I'm afraid that the Minister will meet with residents who have a low level of intelligence, we say the axis is short or something, then the minister will be attacked again. That's what we didn't expect. Hopefully this will be the first and last time," said Rusli, quoted from the official website of the Gorontalo Provincial Government, Monday October 4th.

Rusli hopes that this problem will end. He made sure that what he was doing was a form of responsibility as governor, just as Ibu Risma came as a minister. It has nothing to do with politics or any political party.

"So it's clean and clear, this is just a miscommunication. So don't turn it into a political opinion. No relationship at all. I speak as governor, Mr. Fajar as coordinator, Mrs. Risma came not as a party cadre but as Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

Risma's angry actions were recorded in a video which eventually circulated widely on social media. In the video, initially a man standing on the right side of Risma is talking while occasionally holding a cellphone. Risma also occasionally responds to the man's statement. Suddenly, Risma's attention is drawn to the man in the red shirt on the left side of her front. Risma then walked up to the man angrily and pointed with an object such as a pen. "Don't shoot you, you don't shoot," said Risma to the man wearing a red shirt. It's not clear why Risma suddenly acted like that. However, when Risma was walking, the man in the red shirt who was originally sitting down stood up. "Don't shoot you," said Risma, this time pushing the man using an object like a pen. Suddenly the man who had been standing when Risma was approached suddenly sat down due to Risma's encouragement. The atmosphere of the meeting became silent at that time.

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