South Kalimantan - The government of the Balangan Regency, South Kalimantan has increased the incentives for honorary teachers at the level of Elementary School or equivalent, Junior High School, and Kindergarten. Teacher honors, which were originally IDR 700 thousand, are now IDR 800 thousand per month.

"Alhamdulillah, today we have symbolically handed over incentives represented by honorary teachers from Paringin and South Paringin sub-districts, even though the region's financial condition is experiencing a deficit due to the COVID-19 pandemic", said Balangan Regent Abdul Hadi in Paringin, Antara, Monday, October 4th.

Increasing incentives aims to improve the welfare of non-contracted teaching staff in junior high schools, equivalent elementary schools, kindergartens and early childhood education.

"In the future, while looking at economic growth and our Regional Budget, God willing, we will gradually increase it until the end of our term of office to IDR 1 million per month", he explained.

With this increase, the regent hopes to spur the enthusiasm of teaching teachers so that a golden generation will be created in the future.

Meanwhile, the teacher of Terpadu Harapan Kita Early Childhood Education School, Sumber Rezeki Village, Juai District, Aribudi Priyanti, expressed his gratitude for the increase in incentives they received every three months.

"We are very grateful to the regional head, in this case the Regent of Balangan, who has realized his vision of the welfare of educators by increasing our incentives", he said.

Only Aribudi hopes that the disbursement of incentives per 3 months is changed to once a month. "We really hope that this incentive will be disbursed monthly, not quarterly because we Early Childhood Education School teachers earn only from there. Indeed, there are also official trips, but rarely", he said.

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