MALANG - Malang City Police Traffic Unit took action against motorists who held illegal racing. Police seized 65 vehicles related to illegal racing.

Dozens of vehicles caught in the raid consisted of 48 motorcycles and 17 cars. All were immediately transported and taken to the Malang City Police Headquarters to be ticketed.

Head of Traffic AKP Yoppy Anggi Krishna said that the illegal racing action was carried out after the police received information from residents through the Jogo Malang application. They reported about Jalan Ahmad Yani, Blimbing which is often used as an illegal racing arena.

"When we headed to the location, it was true that the road was already full of vehicles that indicated illegal racing, so we took action immediately," said Yoppy, Monday, October 4.

Yoppy explained that dozens of motorized vehicles were also secured because they did not comply with the provisions. Starting to use a Brong exhaust, there are no mirrors and even 1 unit of a yellow BMW luxury car is also secured.

DOK Satlantas Polresta Malang City
DOK Satlantas Polresta Malang City

Violators are subject to multiple layers of articles, namely Article 285 paragraph (1), Article 286 and Article 297 of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.

Yoppy emphasized that the illegal racing action made the public uneasy and disturbed road users.

"Because of the many reports on this matter, we will firmly continue to take action if there is another illegal race," he concluded.

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